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Analysis of plasticity theory equations of powder metal systems


The paper provides the review of calculation method and basic parameters of moulding processes in dilatant materials which are typical representatives of powder metal systems of different chemical compositions. They are based on mathematical models that use not only qualitative explanation, but also quantitative description of the dilatancy effect. The work shows the complete system of basic plasticity theory equations of the rigid-plastic isotropic dilatant media. It considers an example of the steady-state plastic flow calculation under conditions of axisymmetric deformation. It is shown that for axisymmetric deformation the equations relative to velocity vector projection on the characteristic directions are similar to the equations for planar deformation. It is established that the current yield conditions with varying degrees of accuracy describe the types of dilatancy (loosening and compaction). Therefore, for a more precise solution of some problems, it is necessary to refine the mathematical models of the yield condition. For some processes of plastic shaping when solving the system of equations of dilatant media, it is expedient to represent the flow conditions in the form of separate regions: hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic.

About the Authors

E. S. Makarov
Tula State University
Russian Federation

Makarov Eduard Sergeevich — professor, doctor of technical sciences

A. E. Gvozdev
Tula State L. N. Tolstoy Pedagogical University
Russian Federation

Gvozdev Alexander Evgenievich — chief researcher of the department of technology and service, professor, doctor of technical sciences

G. M. Zhuravlev
Tula State University
Russian Federation

Zhuravlev Gennady Modestovich — professor, doctor of technical sciences

S. V. Sapozhnikov
Tulachermet-Steel, LLC
Russian Federation

Sapozhnikov Sergey Vladimirovich — Chief specialist

A. N. Sergeev
Tula L.N. Tolstoy State Pedagogical University
Russian Federation

Sergeev Alexander Nikolaevich — head of the department of technology and service, senior researcher of the department of technology and service, professor, doctor of technical sciences

А. G. Kolmakov
Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science A.A. Baikova of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Kolmakov Aleksey Georgievich — corresponding member of RAS, professor, doctor of technical sciences, deputy director

A. J. Breki
State Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great
Russian Federation

Breki Alexander Jalulievich — candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor, deputy head of the department

D. V. Maliy
Tula State L.N. Tolstoy Pedagogical University
Russian Federation

Maliy Dmitriy Vladimirovich — assistant of the department of technology and service

N. N. Dobrovolsky
Tula State University
Russian Federation

Dobrovolsky Nikolai Nikolaevich — candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, assistant of the department of applied mathematics and computer science


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For citations:

Makarov E.S., Gvozdev A.E., Zhuravlev G.M., Sapozhnikov S.V., Sergeev A.N., Kolmakov А.G., Breki A.J., Maliy D.V., Dobrovolsky N.N. Analysis of plasticity theory equations of powder metal systems. Chebyshevskii Sbornik. 2018;19(1):152-166. (In Russ.)

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